
Thursday, 31 December 2015

Stevie & Laura - We're Gonna Win

Is this it the end of my race
Will we prosper or sink without a trace
Have we won and this is victory
OR have we lost never to be free

Were lives lost for no gain
Was blood spilt all in ian
No we fight never to be free
Or are you gonna stand and take back our country

The we win the battle or did we lose the war
And for my race what is in store
IS trumph just around the bend
OR is this is the night that will never end

WEll turn the page and read a little more
Remind yourself what we're fighting for
Victory and the colour of our skin
Never  look back coz we're gonna win

Stevie & Laura - Home of the Brave

Look back at our history
A glorious historic past
Look at the books in schools today
How long's it gonna last
Warrior's, maiden's heroes and kings
Is what our land is built one
The one in a million who stands above the crowd
The one we can all take strenght from

We live in a land of the kings
We roam as free as a bird
In our future forth coming

This is the home of the brave
The land of the kings
For our battle warriors
Who fought to keep us free

There have been battles we've lost but the wars we have won
For every loss there'sa greater victory to come
For or brother who feel and rest now far away
Your memory spurs us on and we're gonna save the day

As I sit and look out on my beatiful land
I see these fools with their heads buried in the sand
We must remind them of the glories from our past
We proud to be British Nail our colours to the mast

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Toletum - 69-99-Oi!

Siempre entorpreciedo siempre criticando.
A mucha gente jove que sigue luchando.
Créeis que son hipócritas, incultos y raros.
Hablando sobre algo en que estáis equivocados.
Pensáls que son chorradas, que no podemos avanzar.
Que dentro de unos años se nos pasará.
Podemos demostraros que os voivéis a equlvocar.
Skin es ei que nace para peiear.

Son 30 años de vida
30 años de historia
30 de lucha, de esperanza y de gloria.

Brigada Totenkopf - Sin perdón

Da cemlenzo ya la hora, no hay tiempo qe perder.
Vuela alto el estandarte, hoy no la harán ceder.
Una causa alejada de toda corrupción.
Esta vez manda la espada, actuaremos sin perdón.

Sin perdón (x4)

Ya podéis contar los días, tu gobierno se acaba.
Nuestra idea es elegida, nuestra idea es la que manda.
Una cause alejanda de toda corrupción.
Esta vez manda el espada, actuaremos sin perdón.

Sin perdón (x4)

Nuestro virus ya se expande, es imposible de curar.
Y nuestra gente se impacienta para la hora final.
No queremos alternativa todo o nada, no hay mas.
Libertad a nuestra tierra ¡Para nuestra forma de pensar!
Os corrompe el dinero solo queréis mas y mas.
Y la avaricia rompe el saco y el pueblo responderá.
Vuestro cuento ya se acaba, es la pagina final.
Ahora toca dar la cara, muerte a vuestra moralidad.

Brigada Totenkopf - Incansable

Avanzando por la estepa va el soldado de la Wehrmacht
Con el frio en los pulmones y el sonido del a guerra
Este inviento vestido de blanco y de terror
Asolados los paisajes que el ve a su alreddor
No se va a rendir no ha llegado hasta aquí
Para ahora dejarlo todo su misión a de cumplir
A jurado lealtad al Führer y a su patria
Y no descansara hasta que entre en el Valhalla

Incansable imbatible
Inflamable por su fuego
Incansable imbatible

Son soldados que defienden nuestro suelo
Esquivando a las balas sorteando las granadas
Va escapando de la muerte y causando mas bajas
El mejor camarade que te puedas encontrar
Espalda contra espalda nunca te traicionara
Su mujer y sus hijos tuvo que dejar atrás
Cuando el grito de batalla a el le dio la señal
Le emociona el recuerdo, le enfurece la batalla
Y el viento se hace pesadp como si fuera metralla

Brigada Totenkopf - Sol negro

Poseedor de sabiduría, de un culto ancestral
Oculto y descibicudi oeri ek canubi marcara
El yace resguardado tras el gran arco de luz
Pero ilumina el corazón, del que resiste ante el pas
12 rayos representasn Un cicle terrenal
Creado por las figuras de nuestra gran cru solar
Llévanos hacia el sendero el sionismo derrotaremos
Trayendo con nosotros la victoria a este suelo.
Acabar con la serpiente con cabeza de león
Can la runa de la victoria y la fuerza del dios Thor
Gran figura del pueblo Aria deun mundo paralelo
Que llevas dentro de ti, de hiperbórea es el anhelo.

Brigada Totenkopf - Espíritu del 33

Humillados tras una guerra la nación en banca rota
Los politicos y sus mentiras colaboran en la derrota
Usureros dominando las riquezas del país
Los obreros desesperados desconocen el porvenir
Un nombre alza la voz, la voz de su pueblo
Le habla de sus valores arrancados en el recuerdo
Cietos luego miles se unirán a su pelea
Batallas encarnizadas hajo una misma bandera

Fue vuestro ejemplo el que guia hoy mi lucha
La esperanza y el no decaer
Es el recuerdo que no ha sido olvidado
¡Es el espiritu del 33!

Un huracán azota la plaga que castigo tanto nuestro suelo
Pagareis años de mentiras a costa de nuestro sueño
Banderas hondeando por toda la ciudad
Ejemplo de hombres valientes triunfo de la voluntad
Devolver la dignidad que nos arrebataron
Humillarles ahora a ellos hijos del desamparo
Un recuerdo a esos hombres convencidos de ganar
Un recuerdo a los caídos qque defendieron nuestro ideal.

Bridada 1238 - Fight For My Land

Brigada 1238 - Identitad

Brigada 1238 - ¡Morir Por Ti!

Straightline - Walking the Straightline

We're the bad boys in the streets, no surrender, no retreat
We're the last men proud and free, we never betray what we believe

Straightline, in the streets, Straightline, at the edge.
Straightline, till the end, Straight fuckin' line

Monday, 28 December 2015

Mistreat - Soldier

I'm a White Man in my land
Well it looks like it's a crime
Politicans made me second rate
Treating me like slime

The hordes of subhuman lowlife
Are stepping on my face
I can't stand to see my country
Tainted by black race

I'm a soldier fighting for my land
I'm a soldier with justice in my hand
I don't care if I go go jail
And I don't give a fucj, if you don't understand

A lot of people in this land
Who thinks it's all the same
But things are going straight to hell
And I know just who to blame

I'll start a riot of my own
And make the pople see
It's my job 'cos I love my land
So don't you mess with me

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Mistreat - Fourth Reich

Mistreat - Man with a Bidge

Mistreat - Hang the Scum

What's that scum on the street
A nigger crawling at my feet
Selling postcards, selling hash
A refugee for better cash

We must make him understand
That he walks one a White Man's land
Out from jungle, straight the zoo
We all know just what to do

Hang the scum
Hang the scum
That bastard's goota pay
That bastard's goota pay

He cheat us all with his words
All those lies have long been heard
We'll give this nation a bit of hope
Get the ladder, tie the rope

Bear the slobs until they break
Do it for your nation's sake
Next time you know just what to do
Hang the scum for white and blue

Mistreat - L.A. Kids

Hey, we're on a Silverbird, heading to the USA
We're gonna hit the filmland, party everyday
Making love in the backseat of the limousine
Gonna get the best chicks you've ever seen

We're just L.A. kids
We found a good saleman, he really made us float
Gave us English names and spandex clothes
Now we don't remember what we used to be
I forgot my real name, but it doesn't bother me

We're going around the world, playing rock'n'roll
Whiskey, sex'n'drugs, they'll save our souls
Who remember where we lived, what was it called?

Mistreat - Troubles

Everybody wants something, no one has
The further the field, the greener the grass
Talking with words they don't understand
No-one needs to, no-one can

Troubles every night
Troubles every day
There's troubles in the city
Troubles all the way

If you're feeling sick, you're gonna get pills
If you're driving drunk, you're gonna get killed
And if you don't vote, you're gonna lose
But if you do, you'll get abused

Somebody tells you and you play dead
Somebody tells you and you give head
Someone has the strings and complete control
There's somebody out there, who own's your soul

Mistreat - Faith and Fury

Mistreat - Backstreet

Mistreat - Veteran

Jörg Hähnel - Arbeiter, Bürger und Bauern

Sleipnir - Das Feuer & Siehst De unser land

Friday, 25 December 2015

Brigada Totenkopf - El Significado de el Vida

Como un camino, desconeciendo su distancia...
En el que empiezas y has de recerrer
Lleno de alegrías obstáculos y trabas
De los que te levantaras, si te hacen caer.
Un destino marcado desde el inicio
En el que todo se acaba por desvancer
Un desgaste continue de energia
Basado en el instinto de prevalecer

No se si hay algo mas, cuando llegue mi final.
Solos se que si hay oportunidades...
Se revervan para aquel que logre destacar
Fabricados de odio y amor, seres violentos con compasión
Tu misión en este mundo...
Pelear por este suelo para nueva generación.

Immortales de por vida, aquellos que triunfaron
Olvidados en la nada el resto que fracasaron
Todo muere y concluye todo ser ha de caer
Solo el fuerte gana ventaja en la carrera hasta perecer

Eterna naturaleza, mercada por la fuerza
Hacernos eternos en esta fase de preparación
El que aprovecha el regalo se endurece como la pedra
Mientras el débil cae derribado como el hielo al sol

El significado desconocido, lo tienes ante ti
No somos producto del capricho...
Estamos aque para resistir.

Unos hechos para luchar otros simplemente como
ahono a la tierra
¿Hasta doa quieres llegar?
No hay limite que no... Te deje avanzar.

Brigada Totenkopf - Raza

No creo en las patrias que vosotros concebís
Mi patria está basada en una identidad
Nunca lo olvides no lo dejes morir
Compartimes una sangre que hizo la prosperidad
Nuestra raza es diferente tu lo puedes ver
Europa está presente allí donde mi pueblo esta
Conservar nuestras raices en la sangre les llevamos
El orgullo ancestral que tiene el hombre ario.
La mezcia de razas tan solo nos traerá
Choques de culturas pérdida de identidad
Nos debemos separar y unirnos a los nuestros
Aprendiendo de la escuela de nuestros ancestros.
El odio lo promueve el que quiere destruir
La justicia la promueve aquel que quiere preservar
Es un sentimiento que tu puedes sentir
Esta es tu famillia y por ella pelearas


Argumentos falsos quieren justificar
Que no tienes un pasado y te lo quieren quitar
Tu naciste asi existes como tal
Eres un hombre blanco de sangre occidental
La historia corre en sangre por las venas de tus hijos
Consérvaia eterna por los siglos de los siglos
No te puedes compara tu sitio esta aquí
Somos el pueblo blanco y vamos a resistir

Brigada Totenkopf - La Juventud de Acero

Avanzando bajo la mirada
De su líder por su raza
Fueron criados en la defensa
De su historia y su patria
Desterrando viejos mitos
Que ya no tienen cabida
Las drogas y corrupción
Fuera estaban de sus filas
Educados en el blenestar
El deporte y la vida sana
El honor y leltad
Como buenos camisas pardas
Pelearon con bravura
En el final de la guerra
En las calles de Berlín
Defendieron sus ideas
Los viste caer y de nuevo levantarse
La sanre joven el autentice estandarte
Juventeud de acero forjada en lealtad
Camaradería y resistencia hasta el final
Eran todos una famillia
Sin lugar a la traición
Mira atrás y recuerda
Ese tiempo mucho mejor
No querías otra lucha
Ni otra forma de pensar Porque el que entiende las ideas
Ya nunca renegara

Brigada Totenkopf - Campo de concentración

Llega el 45 ha caído Berlín las mujeres son violadas
las hestias ostán aqui.
Detenciones, asesinatios contra nuestra población.
Por salvajes controlades que hablan de liberación.
Hace ya 6 años que salimos para combatir por
Europa y su sangre fuimos todos a morir
Ahora nuestra patria bmbardeada está Dresden
desolada por asesines sin piedad.
Atrévete a decir que fuimos criminales por defender
frente a la usura nuestros ideales
Nómbrame las mentiras de los campos
de concentración las cifras documentos que impone la televisión.
La esvástica sagrada ha dejado de ondear la hoz y
el martillo ahora ocupa su lugar
Fueron ellos violadores y asesinos per ellos son
legales nosotros los perseguidos

Ahora Europa es un campo de concentración
Perseguido por tus ideas dominado por sión
Ahora tu tierra es un campo de concentración
Para esta democracia tu non tienes opinión

No tragues con sus mentiras no te dejes engañar
Israel son asesinos mira la realidad
Donda está la Anna Frank de origen Palestino mirar
hacia el presente mirar su genocidio
Estados Unidos no deja de invadir patrias inocentes
que poco a poco hace morir
Globalizando todas las culturas endeundando las
naciones con la sucia usura
Comunistas y anarquistas hijos de este sistema de
ellos formáis parte sois sus marionetas
¿Quién financia sus campañas?¿ Quién financia el antifascismo?
Todos formáis parte del asqueroso sionismo
nos tendréis que malar no nos vamos a callar
Lucharemos con orgullo por defender la realidad no
lo podéis detener, no vamor a ceder
Frente a todos los horregos que defienden su interés

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Warhammer - Valhalla's Warriors

We'll set our salls
and raise our banners
hear the drums, hail Valhalla
this is the sound of our battle cry
we'll sere the gods to the day we die

Valhalla's warriors
the light shines on you
Valhalla's warriors
together we are strong
the gods will se you thorugh
Valhalla's warriors
together we are strong
Valhalla's warriors
you can do no wrong

As his hammer swings
lightening will strike
thunder clods will roar tonigh
with our Aryan blood we win the fight
Odin! Thor! We Hail you this nigh

Chorus x2

Now we'll drink the mighty gods of war
victorious Odin and mighty son Thor
Thor passed me the hammer
and he said to me
hold the hammer up high
and be proud of your country

Monday, 21 December 2015

Nemesis - Free Again

We only met few years ago
but eeven now I truly know
we'll be comrades for a long long time
they wanna stop us meeting
well let them try
we're part of Ian Stuart & Legace
comrades - we will always be
our united front against the foe
Will they bet us? Well I say no!

We are blood brothers from different tribes
bonded together by our folkish ties
standing together till the very end
Europe will be free again
our lands will be free again

We live in different lands, but together we make a stand
against our enemies a common foe
of whom we speak, I'm sure you know
the secretrulers of this world today, wish we'd just go away
but they will never get their way, our peple are here to stay

so german brothers come stand with me
raise your flags defiantly
look to the stars proclaim your destiny
a brotherhood we will always be
we'll battle on side by side, stand as one and never hide
some day we'll win and I know why
the german - british friendship will never die

In Memoriam - Assassins de mon peuple

Ton sang est souillé, ton regard s'éteint
Tu ne demandais rien, juste qu'on te tende la main
Une main d'enfant hémophile
Oh! Une main d'enfant qu'on assassine
Lentement, froidement,
Qu'ils assassinent pour un peu d'argent
Lentement, impunément
Qu'ils assassinent!

Assassins, assassins de mon peuple
Comment avez-vous donc pu oser!
Assassins de mon peuple
Commettre un génocide organisé

D'Autres pour toi ont scellé ton destin
Ont volé tes rêves pour leurs tristes desseins
C'est consients de ce qu'ils faisaient
Qui'a la vie ils t'ont arraché
Lentement, froidement,
Ils t'ont arraché a tes parents
Lentement, impunément


La corde pour les assassins de mon peuple

Stevie & Laura - it Ain't All Talk

Well I ran show you the way
But I can't make you walk
You now I'll promise you this
What we say it ain't all talk

I will guide your along the road to victory
But nly if you're willing to stand up me
The road will be hard but do not stray
Pray to the gods above to watch over us on our way

We are out there fighting
Strugling to survive
And when victory day comes
We'll be the only ones left alive

Our hearts they are true
And our vision is crystal clear
Strenght is growing every day
And of defeat wo have no fear

Stevie & Laura - Walk with Me

Walk with me in the early morning rain
Let the morning light lift you to a higher plane
And feel the power as the sun begins to glow
Know the gods are smiling down on your below

Walk with me come hold my hand
In the morning light see the beauty of our land
This crystal vision so pure so clean
Feel your heart lift what a wondrous scene

Can you feel the power surging beneath your feel
Look t the horizon where the land and ske meet
See the bond between heaven and earth
Sak up the emotion realise your worth

On the wind are whispered the braves fallen names
Lighting fills the sky like the universe in flames
As the breeze washes over me I finally feel free
Open up your eyes it's there for all to see
Now do you understand do you feel this too
The gods have us the strenght to see this through
I have no regrets this path leads only one way
So walk with me my friend as the dawn breaks on our day

Stevie & Laura - Everything They Fear

Before you judge me heart my confession
I was listening at the final lesson
I heartd the words that were never said
I knw the reason why millions lay dead

I learn't to read, I learn't to write
I learn't to survive, I learn't t fight
They tld us what they wanted us t hear
But I turned into everything they fear

Taught the history of the victorious
Tld every victory was glorious
Evil had been wiped out our world was safe
It left my with the bitterest taste

Because I questioned I was removed
That's all I needed t me it was proved
They just wanted mindless clones
No room for upstars bad to the bone

Here I stand many years down the line
Never askedfor for nothing all I have is mine
The little but I do is enigh for me
Rather die on my feet than live life on my knees

Stevie & Laura - Follow Me

Come on now follow me
This is the way we can be free
I've seen the light I've seen the way
No more night welcome to today

This is our hour of glory
This is ur passing right
This is our wondrous story
Stand up boy and fight

I will push if you back me up
Or I will go alone I don't give a fuck
I am on a roll I have a goal
I believe in white power rock'n'roll

A man once, told me to keep on keeping on
And every time I hear one of his songs
I wanna put right all of the wrongs
He sang about in all of those songs

Now I am ready to be the one
I was here when all this begun
I give you my hand come stand with me
Let's see who really wants to be free

Stevie & Laura - Rise Up

Come on let's go let's get in on
This our day and the battle's begun
A rall to arms come heed the call
Calling out to you one and all

Rise up stand tall stand proud
This is our day shout it out loud
Hail to ouy in this holy war
This is what we've waited for

The talking's done its time for action
Gonna get ourselves some satisfaction
All these years of pent up rage
A nation unites as it comes of age
Come rain or shine this land is mine
Gonna stand and fight right down the line
Waited so long for this day
And nothing's gonna take our glory away

Our names will go down with greats
As we lead our children to victory's gates
Tears of joy on a million faces
As arm in arm we realise what race is.

Stevie & Laura - Me Turn To Be Brave

I can be te outcast you can't be
I can do the things for us to remain free
I can be whatever you need me to be

I will say the things that went unsaid
I will do the things that others dread
No looking back always looking ahead
If I have to stand here all alone
I'll walk the path that will somehw take me home
Now standing alone trying not to e afraid
It's my turn to be brae

I will stand when others run
I will stand and face the sun
Our demons I will overcome

When the time comes for rebirth
I'll be there to show my worth
For you I'd go to the ends of the earth

Stevie & Laura - It Takes More Than One

Hey you know what do you think when you look into my eyes
I look at you, I see the flame that ever dies
Do you swee what I really am or do you tgat I'm a but of a sham
When I state out from this stage all I feel is your unbridled rage

Trust me please for I trust you
Without each other we're all through
I dor for your now please do for me
Remember it takes more than ne to set two free

So let me tell a little of my real self
Walk the line unafraid without and help
Walking tall in a land of little peple
And these healing hands are gonna heal all

My brothers come too and we want you
To joing the ranks of you know who
The only way in is by force
The more the merrier so jump on board

Have you the metal to stand in line
You need two fists one brain no yellow spine
All you wanna be warrior's better stay at home
There's no place for yo where we're going

Stevie & Laura - Remain True

Come over my friends and lend me your eat
We'll have a laugh and well share a beer
For these are the good times we'll never forget
You might thiink it's over it ain't begun yet

We've all lost loved ones along the way
It's brough us closer together
Brought you here today
But for the fallen the free the imprisoned and chained
We must fight on remain tru to our arms

No matter how hard this struggle might seem
It will be worth it in the end when you reach your dream
For these are the good times we'll never forget
You might think it's ver it ain't begun yet

Stevie & Laura -

I've climbed every mountain, I've swam every sea
But beatiful England is where I long to be
I've walked every forest, every valley, every field
But the love for my nations it shall never yield

I will stand strng alone if it must be
Keep this struggle ging until I'm finally free
And if this world should come to an end
I'm exactly where I long to be

I've seen every country per I've seen them all
But England is an empire and we're still standing tall
For behind every warrior is a wman of steel
She'll never let him falter she'll never let him yield

I've climbed every mountain swam every sea
But beatiful England is where I long to be
Well how to no one we fear no foe
I will keep the flame alive until my time to go

Stevie & Laura - One Day, One Way

You think the rules are sut in stone
You think the road runs straight ahead
Now no man ever wants to stand alne
Create your own destiny and look ahead

One day, one way you're living your dreams
Next day which way let's see what tomorrow bring
Never ending circle with nowehere to step off
Life is no rehearsal and you're a long time dead
Life is no rehearsal and you're a long time dead

How many tons of rock produces and ounce of gold
How many tales of glory are we tld
You can't stop searching until you are finally sure
That your battle is over and you have won your war

The clock never stops ticking time slips away
For every hesitation the gods will make us pay
They say a gratified warrior is a man who fights to win
To deny himsels this victory is a mortal sin

Stevie & Laura - Our Fate

Failure failure
It's all I ever hear
Try to crush our spirit
And rule us with our fear

Then you take our happiness
Take our joy
And smash it to pieces
Like a fucking toy

Try to grind us dwn
But we just will not break
Try to grind us down
But you dn't our fate

Fill us full of sorrow
Fill us full of hate
Then give us a number
And for our death a date
Used and abused
Every day of our life
Told to accept
And live in strife

And now the tables turn
And your time will come
You tried to beat me down
But I have risen strong
This is my battle cry
As the war as now begun

Stevie & Laura - Family

Welcome my brothers, my comrade, my friends
Been too long good to see you again
I hope you're ding well and your loved ones are fine
For tonight we drink per it's party time

Put your arms around your brother
Raise a glass and sing along
As we party all night and let the good times roll on
You are my family everyone and all
This comes from the heart, I salute you all

When did I see you last has it really been that long
Glad to hear comrades still standing strong
Tell some stories about your life I will tell you some of mine
Brother together till the end of time

So to all my old friends new ones as well
At some point tonight we'll have to say farewell
Until the next time don't leave it so long
Surrounded by our family is where we all belong

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Warhammer - Warhammer

Clouds of gloom came across my land
the I lookep up to the heavens the storm began
a clash of thunder  I heard a voice roar
don't be afraid I'm the god of war
son of Odin call me Thor
hammer in my hand now I'm ready for

Warhammer fighting for our land
Warhammer raising our right hand
Warhammer victory we shall win
Warhamemr we will never gin in

So into the storm we ride
the god of thunder rides by our side
enemies fall before our feet
we say no surrender no retreat
this is the sound of our battle cry
goin to keep on fighting till they day we die
we stand strong we stand proud
we'll never stop fighting till the victory's ours

When the sound of the battle is over
shoulder to shoulder we stand
we drink to the might white power warrior
who inspired us to fight for our land
now darkness has arisen and lightness will prevail
we'll raise our hand in victory cos we can never fail

Odin's Law - Plunder and Pillage

Daybreak the final attack
Legions march on no turning back
Battle under the blood-red sky
All for one prepared to die
Onward sword held high
Defeat never we'd rather die
Countless battles we have won
Praise the moon and the sun

Battle legions roar it's time for war
Plunder and pillage
Victory in sight for Odin we fight
Plunder and pillage
Gods of war crush for glory fight
Plunder and pillage
Victory in sight for Odin we fight
Plunder and pillage

Hail Thor God of thunder
Bolts of lighting forward we plunder
Logboat prepared to sail
Rise and conquer the stron prevail
Glory and victory await
March on through Valhalla's gate
Drink and feast in the hall pf the slain
Tomorrow's dawn we battle again


Odin guide my sword
Eternal victory our final reward
For the folk of Midgaard
For the faithful, the brave, and the bold
Ninght nights and nine days on the world tree
I'd bleed for you would you bleed for me
Tyr bring us total war
ail the Gods let the ravens soar

Odin's Law - Hail Odin

Gather together as we march
Into this glorious fight
The honour of our forefathers
Their stenght and thir might
We must carry on our heritage
From the cradle to the grave
And bring forth a new day
Vowing never to be s slave

Hail! Hail! The gods
Hail Odin and Thor
Hail! Hail! The gods
Bring forth this coming war
The strengh within ourselves
To will to win
To give up now
Would surely be a sin
It seems we have forgotten
The taske at hand
To restore our glory
And to free our lands


As one we are strong
And divided we will fall
The sands of time are running out
It's time ot heed the call
So let's joing together
And wathch our enemis fall
Living under Odins Law
We'll always stand tall


Odin's Law - Stronger than All

Hearts of hate pagan man awake
A nation reborn no more quilt or scorn
Rebirth of our ancient ways Odin rides again

Burning fury unleashed destroy the weak
Thor's mighty hammer in hand arise now white man
Lighting breaks the sky onward the battle cry

Teutonic armies march
Stronger than all! Stronger than all!
Teutonic armies march
Stronger than all! Stronger than all!

Born in an age of fire and ice
Where the sword ruled the land
An age of conquering and an age of war
Where men knew no quilt and felt no shame
Dormant for many centuries may the pagan spirit rise again

Witing for god weakness nailed to a cross
Leading the sheep culling of the weak
Christianity the holy curse rid Christ of the earth

Have you seen the light churches burn in the night
Cleansing of the earth nature's rebirth
Legions of doom worship the winter miin


Reconquista - Orgullo

Orgulloso de mi patria tiro padelamte
Orgulloso de mi raza, de mi estirpe y de mi sangre
Orgulloso de mis camaradas, dando su vida por España
Esta tierra que nos vio nacer se merece un nuevi amanecer
A luchar, sin piedad
A luchar, por tu dignidad
Unidad acción
Skinhead: por tu nación
Llevamos mucho tiempo siempre dando caña
A este puto Sistema y su puta democracia
Preparados para luchar prepearados para extender
Skinheads España el mundo¡ nos ha de temer!
A luchar, sin piedad
A luchar, por tu dignidad
Unidad acción
Skinhead: por tu nación
Yo os saludo brazo en alto
Que porta la antorcha de nuestro pasado
Que ilumina el camino entre las tinieblas
Nunca para por nuestras ideas
Caballero español soempre luchando con honor
Camarada legendario
Nunca serás¡¡¡olvidado!!!

Reconquista - Palacios de cristal

Hemos visto vuestros métodos
Vuestra forma de actuar
Como nos vendáis los ojos
En nombra de vuestra libertad
Hemos visto como explotáis
Vuestra forma de convencer
Vuestra moralidad hipócrita
Llenando los bolsillos uno y otra vez más
Netidos en vuestros palacios de cristal
Ignorando al pueblo que acabáis de robat
En la oscuridad, melodías guerreras
Claman venganza, claman por su tierra
Las masas se mueven a vuestro antojo
Hipnotizadas por vuestros tesoros
Metiéndolas en laberintos
De los que jamás podrán escapar
Amargáis nuestro peresnt
Nos  queréis anular
Pero todas vuestras armas
No nos van a amedrentar
Somos hijos de un pueblo
Acostumbrado a luchar
Somos hijos de un pueblo
Sólo sabemos pelear
Metidos en vuestros palacios de cristal
Ignorando al pueblo que acabaáis de robar
En la oscuridad, melodías guerreras
Clama veganza, claman por su tierra

Reconquista - Un sentimento

Un nuevo día en tu misma ciudad
Paseas por la calle y no dejas de pensar
Que hada ha cambiando, que todo segue igual
Te sientes rechazado por la cruda sociedad
Sientes en tu pecho una fuerta impresión
Un espíritu guerrero que te atrapa el corazón
Te estalla la cabeza, te ignora la razón
Una nueva batlla se prapara en tu nación
Y luchar por lo que sientes es tu única ilusión
Con ayuda o sin ayuda lo que importa es el valor
Esperando el momento de que caiga esa gente
Que no escucha, que no entiende que se hunde la nación
Un sentimiento se apodera en tu interior
Un espíritu guerrero que te atrapa el corazón
Te estalla la cabeza te ignora la razón
Una nueva battalla se prepara en tu nación

Reconquista - España

Espa patria de cumbres inaccesibles e indómitas
Esa tierra de guerreros y combatientes sin igual
España de sangre, honor y lealtad
Nación de gente altiva y orgullosa: ¿Dónde estás?
España de gloriosas banderas, estandartes y pendones
Nación con la mejor infantería del mundo
España de¡¡ más vale honra que barcos!!
España de Numancia, Covadona, Bailén o Filipinas
¡¡ Mi España ya no está!!
¡¡ Mi España no es ésta!!
Ahore está llena de banqueros usureros y ladrones
Patria de cobardes y títeres rojigualdos
Burgueses y políticos corruptos
Patria de narcos, mundialistas y desagradecidos
España de gente trabajadora y honrada
Patria indoeuropea done las haya
Pueblo de muchas culturas y un sólo destino
Españoles de verdad: ¡¡Que vuela a ver mi España!!
España Despierta
España Levanta

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

9ème Panzer Symphonie - Mister Pinard

Ils t'embarquent dans leur beau fourgon,
Tu sais pas c'que tu fais là.
Ta dégaine n'leur convient pas,
T'as trop tisé et t'es chiffon
Ils voudraient t'voir en zonzon,
Tu t'marres, tu leur fais des doights.
Ces enculés n'ont pas d'charges contre toi,
Et tu chies dans leur fourgon.

Mister Pinard pourquoi t'es devenu flicard?
T'aurais vraiment dû faire pochron,
Crois-moi, t'aurais eu l'ai moins con.
Bien moins con

Chez les soulards le flicard est roi,
Képi bleu, strass et paillettes.
Quand ils voient des skins ils leurs prennent la tête,
Vive l'insigne et la vodka.
C'est p't'être c'qu'ils auraient voule être,
Mais pour ça, il est trop gras.
Chez nous on n'veut pas d'mecs comme ça,
Trop bourré pour être honnête.
Les Giros s'affolent, les coyottes jouent à Senna,
J'espère bien qu'ils prendront comme lui, un mur de face
3 flics au tas!


La moustache vissé sous ton képi,
Tu racolles plus que les putes.
Il parait que cést toi la loi,
Bourré au commissariat,
mais nous, nous n'sommes pas dans l'contrat,
Bien trop peur ta répute.
L'état nous a mis hors la loi,
Parce qu'on picolle plus que toi

Refrain 1

Mister Pinard pourquoi t'es devenu flicard,
T'aurais du rester pochtron car tout en bleu
t'es qu'un gros con.
Un gros con.

Mister Pinard tu as l'air ridicule, tu d'vrais faire
attention avant de dire des conneries
Tu p'as pas tous les droits
Il parat que c'est toi la loi,

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Odin's Law - The Freedom Days Dies

My heart and soul is tormented by the crimes of the past
Brother fighting brother how long could freedom last
I think of hot it should have been
Of how it could have been
Now distorted by history's lies
Will this darkness pass, will this tyranny last
Day of reckoning drawing near, the final solution clear
Resurrection of the soul, mind and spirit becoming whole
Journey along that lonely road
Will my story go untold

If we lost hope how can we survive
They day we stop believing is the day freedom dies

Walking through Dresden the culture and heritage is alive
I look at the ruins and tears fill my eyes
How could this ever happen will we ever know
The faults of history are starting to show
Grandfather I respect your for the thing that you did
You fought for your country you did the best that you could
But from the truth we could never hide
The truth is that we fought on the wrong side


(repeat 1st verse)


Odin's Law - Still Standing Strong

I've faced a lot of handships alone the way
But I've followed my heaert never fallen astray
I've walked along the path with loyal and the brave
Never forgettin the sacrifices made
Made many friends over the years
Shared a lot of laughs and shed a few tears
But the one thing that will always remain
The skinhead spirit may it never be tamed

I've stood my ground and faced the storm
But I'm still standing strong today
Times seem tough they'll only gte rougher
But I'm still standing strong today

The wind it whispers on the winds of change
The pride in my heart will always remain
YOu know I'll stand never run and hide
Never back odwn never lose pride
Pushed in a corner backs to the wall
Come out swingin rise above all
The spirit of the warriors past long ago
Has risen from the ahse let the blood flow


Drinking in Neuchatel, Switzerland
Singing and lughtin with founds friends
White Pride all around the world
Triumphant and lorious the flags are unfurled
Up on the stage it's time to rage
Too many beers I'm a dze
Rocking with the crowd and playing in loud
Shout it out we're White and proud


Walking down the streets of Germany
Drinking with comrades that we met
Doing 170 down the autobahn
His another city sing a few sogs
Divided by land and sea
But the brotherhood and friendship will always be
I know one day we'll return again
And that's a promise to you my friends


Odin's Laws - Odn's Eye

A cold wind it blows from the north
The spirits of my ancestors fills my soul
A sign for the norse hordes to ride
A sign of victory, a sign of the times
Baptized in fire and ice
My viking hear it is alive
Protector of the Runes, protector of the fiath
In the name of the fatherland kinsmen awake

Chorus: Lookking through Odin's eye
Gods of war on our side
Looking through Odin's eye
Folk and faith victory or die

Armies of Odin prepare to fight
Teutonic, Germanic, Nordic troops arise
Honour and truth the words we hail
judgement day is coming be prepared
The foundations are shaking
The chains of tyranny are breaking
Hail the new dawn and we bring it
Join in the chorus, come on and sing it


Our destiny awaits ahead
The tibres of our race hangin by a thread
So close and yet so far away
We've been mislead, we've been betrayed
Truth has become my shield
The sword and the axe I boldly wield
For our tolk we fight
To bring fort a new day and bring forth light


Hail the armies of yesterday
Who tought for our freedom and fought for our race
Hail Odin, Freya, and THor
Thou art our weapons of war
We salute the heroes of today
The valiant and the brave
WE bot to those past and gone
Who gave thier lives so we could live on

(Chorus x2)

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Youngblood - Forever They'll Remain

Now I look back on the days growin' up
Troublemakers runnin' amuck
Had no feat nothin' got in our way
Do anything to have our say
Despite the odds we would never run
Always outnumbered never outgunned
Our friends always right be our side
Never held back to show our pride

Now as I look on the years gone by
The good times, the bad when we laughed, when we cried
The memories of yeasterday will fade away
There's a place inside my heart where they forever remain

Rememer the fights we won and lost
The booze we drank just gettin tossed
The punk rock girls and the chelsea chicks
All the street fights with bottles and bricks
The all night parties and the backyard gigs
Covered in ink from a prison rig
A bad reputation and attitude
We were stewed, screwed and tattooed

(Repeat Chorus)

Now that those days are gone jsut memories remain
Memories of glory, memories of pain
I would not trade what I've been through for anything at all
"Cause everything I've been through has helped me to stand tall

(Repeat Chorus)

Youngblood - Fan the Flames

It only takes a park to get the fire goin
The pride in our heart is stronger and it's growin'

Fan the Flames (2x)

Just a spark and the fire's a go
Spreading fast a full inferno
The flame burns hot can you feel the heat
As the wild fire takes to the street
The flame of truth burs inside
Awakens you soul your heart and mind
A whole new outlook you'll take on
And what used to be is forever gone

Fan the Flames (4x)

Fan the Flames to save this place
Fan the Flames to end the rat race
Fan the Flames to start again
Fan the Flames this is the end

In the fire burning you can see the lies
The flames took hold and opened your eyes
Fan them so they burn like the sun
And continue on for genetrations to come
Pass the torch onto the next wave
And carry on wha the others gave
Nowhere you can hide
From the flame that never dies

Fan the Flames(4x)

(Repeat chorus)

In the fire burning you can see the lies
The flames took hold and opened your eyes
There's nowhere that you can hide
From the flame that never dies

It only takes a partk to get the fire goin
The pride in our heart is stronger and it's growin'

Youngblood - Scapegoat

Everytime there is a problem you quickly lay the blame
on anyone or anything to heep out your name
never accept your faults and never accept the fact
for once you should man up so your dignity stays in-tact

Scapegoat - Everytime your wrong
Scapegoat - It's the same old song
Scapegoat - Can't face the truth
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

To protect your self interest you quicly pont afar
any excuse to keep a clean slate so your reputation's unscarred
take responsibility for the problems you create
and change your mentality before it is to late

(Repeat Chorus)

One day no one will be around for your to place the blame
no one to participate in your little game
your lies will be exposed and the truth will be revealed
It wont be long from there until your fate is sealed

(Repeat Chorus)

Youngblood - Believe

Sometimes I feel like im backed against a wall
the smae old rhetoric I have heard it all
you think you know me and the life that I have led
but you really have no clue of the blood that I have shed

And they've tried they cannot change me
I am whoo I am and I will always be
I'll keep on goin I will never tire
don't tell me how it is your preachin' to the choir

Look into my eyes and see the things that I have seen
only then will your believe
Look into my mind - embrace the knowledge I withold
then the truth you shall retrieve

People all around me are drivin' me insane
If they only realized whats goin through my brain
until you've walked in my shoes and lie the life I lead
save your little lecture, boy don't bie the hand that feeds

(Repeat Pre-Chorus and Chorus)

Youngblood - Blood Deep

They spit upon your grave, they take your name in vain
you tired so hard to save them from the sufferin and pain
In their ignorance they try and strike memory from their minds
But they don't know we run blood deep and this blood never dies

Don't forgive them they know what htey do
They are guilty of crimes against you
It's true you came to save us and saught wolves instead of sheep
But they don't know that we are... BLOOD DEEP

Fools call you a madman fools call you insane
They tell the world you're a bad man and we sould be ashamed
IN our minds your memory is forever there to keep
the war is not lost when your lave runs blood deep

(Repeat Chorus)

Youngblood - Hooligan

FTW tatted on his throat
This gun ain't no joke
Hooligan across his knuckles
Flip your ass off sit back and chuckle
Don´t stand in his way
Like it or not he´ll have his say
Football and drinking are his kick
He lives to fight it makes him tick

He´s a hooligan the bulldog breed
Chaos is the life that he leads
A hard headed bad ass son of a bitch
Tear your heart out and eat the rich

All day along he busts his ass
A proud member of hte working class
A troublemaker is his claim to fame
And his moto is no pain no gain
An outcast of society
Spits in the face of decence
He don´t care he´s not out to make friends
And he don´t care who he offends

(Repeat chorus)

Youngblood - True Warrior

Standing proud my voice is loud
speak my mind you cant bring me down
Kept my pride through all these years
true warrior face your fears
ALways on guard ready to fight
like clockwork from day to night
I've got heart and a will to win
there you have it now let's begin

True Warrior fist of steel
an iron will ya we're for real
never give up never give in no way

True Warrior fists clencehed tight
full og anger rage and might
standing proud we will have our say

Voice my opini of what I think is right
don't even care if it comes to a fight
I'm not worried and I have no shame
for far too long I've been in this hame
Good times and I've had my share
toughed it out when I could hardley bare
I've shed tears and Ive shed blood
had my name dragged through the mud

(Repeat Chorus)

Friday, 4 December 2015

Youngblood - Fist City

Fists flyin through the air
Glass shattered everywhere
Tonight's the night
Tonight we fight
No holds barred
No one left unscarred
The party crashed
The whole place trashed

Fist city

My fists clenched
My clothes are drenched
Heart the sound
Of the ground and pound
Bottles broken
No words are spoken
A battle royale
Can't throw in the towel

Fist city
Sirens in the distance
In the heat of resistance
Time to get the hell out
Take the stealth route
As the cops roll around
We're nowhere to be found
In and out, good bye
In the blink of an eye

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Youngblood - Street cred

Another product of this violent nation
Holding on to my bad reputation
Fuck with me well that's bad news
You'll be singin' the black beyed blues
Been thru te ringer time and again
I got lifetimes over you my friend
Push my buttons you might find
Just what its like to walk the line

Humanity is dead
Street cred, street cred
My vision seeing red
Street cred, street cred
You may have been mislead
Street cred, street cred
When it's all dona and said
Street cred, street cred

Through the years I've paid my dues
Now I'm overpaid but still born to loose
Broken bonesand scars for days
Bar room brawls in a drunken haze
Got your back if you got mine
To gain my trust we'll that takes time
Respect is a two may street
And lack of that is means to get beat

(Repeat chorus)

Youngblood - Wheer My Heart Belongs

My passion and my pride
They can't be benied
It goes to show and it's obvious
I've got nothin' to hide
I'ts tattooed up and down my arms
It's written in this song
It goes to show ad it's obvious
And it's where my heart belongs

Pride - in a working class heritage
Respect - one thing from me you'll get
Honor - for my family and friends
And that's all that matter in the end

My heritage shall not be in vain
I will stand up tall
For pride, honor and respect
I'll give it my all
I'ts the same old song for you to sing alove
So join in the chorus with me
For pride, honor and respect
And undying loyalty

(Repeat chorus)

Youngblood - Old School Pride

From the old school of hard knocks
This is now we roll this is how the rock
Doin this for years won't stand aside
Liquored up sleeved down that's old school pride

Old school, old school, old school pride (2x)

Stuck to my guns in no matter what case
When in doubt knock 'em out with a fist to the face
My guard is always up I'll never deny
Even if I got nothin' I got old school pride

(Repeat chorus)

Take your new rules out with your new school
'Cause nothing's getting past this old school foold
Show ya how it's done never lettin' nothin' slide
No time for the games I got old schoold pride

(Repeat chorus 2x)